People can turn a travel nightmare into a hilarious adventure, and a quiet cup of tea into a golden memory you cherish for the rest of your days.
Best CouchSurfing Request EVER
Once upon a time, the CouchSurfing community in Cork was very active. There was a group outing at least once each week. This week was no different. I didn’t go as often as I should have, but since I’d convinced a new member to come down and meet all the lovely, friendly people, I made …
Quick update: what’s next?
Hello from Ireland! Just a quick update to let you know what's happening next! I'll soon be heading to Tenerife to visit Linda of Islandmomma. With the Irish winter fast approaching, I suspect I will not want to leave. Or at least that I'll want to go back very soon. Thankfully, living in Cork and …
Consumed! (or What I Did On My Summer Vacation)
Cork, Ireland A bit of an update from TourAbsurd-land… The Cork Cycling Festival has been taking place this week. Since one of Dario's consuming passions is his upcoming website about community-powered bike sharing, we have both been a bit overwhelmed. Dario with programming and hiring graphic designers, module coders, and server security gurus; me …
Copy & Paste
Cork, Ireland – 3:45 a.m. I love CouchSurfing. It has changed my life in so many incredible ways I can't begin to count. One of the best parts of it is that, despite — and I say this vehemently — not being a dating site, I met my luscious hubby through CS. No, it was …
Help me plan my trip to Morocco
4 March 2011 I am terribly excited about my upcoming trip to Morocco, and yet I am also nervous. I tend to over-plan things because I like to have info, know my options, make the best choices, not miss out on something extraordinary, and because I just like doing it. I enjoy the ride of …
8/9 Jan. 2011 (day depends on your timezone; it's the wee hours of the morning here) The Planet D is hosting Round 7 of Travel Photography Roulette: Portraits. I entered a picture I'd taken of the mother of my friend, Gusti. I just realized that I didn't post my entry on my own page. …
Fear and Danger
A ship in port is safe, but that's not what ships are built for. ~ Grace Murray Hopper US admiral & computer scientist (1906 – 1992) Fear is overrated. There, I said it! And I mean it, too. Fear keeps us from pursuing our dreams and living a life that we love. The …
Cork: South Parish
Cork, Ireland Tourist information offices are easy to dismiss as being designed for, well, tourists. They are also, however, a great source of information for locals who would like to learn about upcoming events as well as a bit of history. Handily enough, the Cork tourist office has 2 brochures published by the Cork City …
30 Oct. 2010 Cork, Ireland I think we can all agree that, whenever it is humanly possible, you should use puns. It is one of the clearest, simplest laws of nature. Not worth debating, really. I mean, on my first trip to Cork, I sent out couch requests with "Cork-surfing" as the subject line, because …
About the stealth mission…
Which one is American? Thus far most of the content here on TourAbsurd has been silly travel stories, funny pictures, and little inspiring quotey tidbits. This is to entertain you, gentle reader, and to keep my friends and family updated as I skip about the globe (that was very nearly "glob" — good thing …
Why You Should Be Using Couchsurfing Groups
Why You Should Be Using Couchsurfing Groups Nice post and great reminder. I am often surprised at the number of long-time CS-ers who don’t even know about Couchsurfing groups. Fantastic resource!