A fortuitously placed Foster’s Freeze leads to a desert discovery and a dip into WWII.
The Trees of Mystery!
Redwood forest, California, USA We woke up in our tent among the redwoods, continued south toward San Francisco, and stopped to see a few quintessentally American attractions. Dario's first visit to the US simply had to include a visit to something silly and uniquely American! Since we would not be passing through the midwest on …
Road construction stop
Construction on the road to the Giant Forest delayed our trip down for a perfect 15 minutes. We stopped with a great view of Moro Rock and several distant mountain ranges. Thanks, Park Service and construction folks!
Mysterious bee creature
Mysterious, hovering, bee-like creature. We found several of them holding still in formations in scattered patches of sunlight. They were striped like bees, and not wasp-ish (well, I didn’t ask them about their politics or religion), but a passerby suggested that bees don’t hover, flies do. So they may have been faux-bees!
Find the Fish!
Need polarized filter for lens… In the meantime, how about a nice game of Find The Fish? :D
Tharp Log
Tharp Log near Crescent Meadow, Sequoia National Park. The very large sign at the site clearly stated the name sans apostrophe or "s." Yes, I know. It's so unnatural!
Purple lupine.
Taken near Crescent Meadow, Sequoia National Park.
Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Park, California, USA It's rather Burl-esque, wouldn't you say? Get it, get it? Wow, tough crowd. How has nature been amusing you lately?
Coneflower along trail. Much more cooperative than deer. Stupid deer.
Oh, deer!
Mule deer (I think) along the trail. Oh, we were SO excited! Too bad the deer wasn’t as excited to see us. Absolutely refused to pose. Drat! We should have remembered the go-to call for would-be wildlife photographers: “MONKEY!”