Rosy moment

Paris, France A simple photo of a lovely, well-posed rose in the garden behind Notre Dame.   Thank you, lovely rose.  You are more graceful than I could have hoped!  

Spider Woman (Rock!)

Canyon de Chelly, AZ, USA Today's post is by Vera Marie Badertscher (pictures by Charnell Havens) and should probably have been titled something like "Amazing Navajo Art and Tradition" or "The Natural Beauty of the American Southwest," but I could not pass up the opportunity to be silly.  You see, the very first photo is …

Featured photo: Cork heron

Cork, Ireland While walking along the River Lee today, I had the good fortune to spy a heron who was less shy than usual.  In the background is the Holy Trinity Church (some interior shots can be found here.)  As I only had the wee camera on me, I was not up to any fancy …

Featured photo: Cave Duck!

Pertosa, Italy The Pertosa Caves (Grotte di Pertosa), also known as, the Angel Caves of Pertosa, takes a while to reach if you're coming from Naples.  Still, it can be a fun afternoon trip, driving through the southern Italian countryside, especially if you are a cave geek, like me. Despite being a commercial cave (vs. …

Moroccan juxtaposition.

Tangier, Morocco Getting ready to write up a guest post for Amanda at  Going through my photos of Tangier, I came across a few pics of one of my most guffaw-inducing moments.   Rachid snuck up behind me and caught me in the act of being juvenile.  Dario is amused.   I cannot figure …

Morocco: City of the Dead

Rissani, Morocco Among all of the amazing experiences in Morocco that I've been savoring (and oddly reluctant to share), the final day of camel trekking ranks right at the top.  It started with waking up in the Sahara, tracking where the "4×4" beetles had gone during the night, and walking barefoot in the gorgeous sand. …

I’d like to thank the Academy…

OMG OMG OMG!  Clyde filmed a personal message for me! I am ridiculously giddy right now!   Video not displaying? Click here to watch it on YouTube:   It's like Conrad Birdie from Bye Bye Birdie, only it's Clyde the Camel from How To Draw Camels!  Oh, the greatness, the honor, the celebrity!  …I …

She’s got NY in the bag!

New York, USA Christine sent me this cute piece about shopping in New York city.  As I have not yet been to the Big Apple — shocking, I know! — I find stories like this to be fascinating!  Some day I, too, would like to go shopping (or at least pretend shopping) in New York …