Sounds of Morocco: the Adnan

Middle Atlas, Morocco One of the first things that many non-Muslims who visit Muslim countries notice are the frequent calls to prayer, known as the Adnan in Morocco (often called the adhan, as well).  On our first trip to Africa (Tanzania), Dario and I were met at the hotel by a friend who'd arrived the …

A little crabby in Pemba

Pemba, Tanzania After our fabulous experience snorkeling over a coral reef on Kwale Island off Unguja, we thought continuing on Pemba was a logical extension of the adventure.   Dario is lookin' mighty Italian here.  You can hardly tell he's seasick!   On the boat with me was Dario, our traveling companion Sean, two fellows …

HMS Bounty

Cork, Ireland I recently attended a Bloomsday celebration.  It was organized by Moray of and it was lovely!  We listened to readings of passages from Ulysses, were entertained by traditional Irish songs that had been featured in the book, and enjoyed a Joycean meal of red wine, gorgonzola, and bread.  (In previous years they'd …

Copy & Paste

Cork, Ireland – 3:45 a.m. I love CouchSurfing.  It has changed my life in so many incredible ways I can't begin to count.  One of the best parts of it is that, despite — and I say this vehemently — not being a dating site, I met my luscious hubby through CS.  No, it was …

Marathon Serenade

Cork, Ireland I was walking along the River Lee with Dario, enjoying the fresh air and taking in the sight of beautiful swans on the river, while making sure to stay clear of the runners on the path. As we approached the Mardyke Bridge, we heard singing. The wonderful voice you hear belongs to Rory …

Featured photo: Luxor Temple

Luxor, Egypt Known in ancient times as Thebes, Luxor has two major temples that have survived into modern times: Karnak and Luxor. Quite the light show.  Quite the people show, too!   We visited Karnak Temple during the day and Luxor Temple at night.  We were a bit rushed in both places, as we were …

The Trees of Mystery!

Redwood forest, California, USA We woke up in our tent among the redwoods, continued south toward San Francisco, and stopped to see a few quintessentally American attractions.  Dario's first visit to the US simply had to include a visit to something silly and uniquely American!  Since we would not be passing through the midwest on …

Piadina in Pesaro.

Pesaro, Italy When we visited Dario's family in Pesaro they took us out for a dinner of piadina, a typical food from the region.  It's half-way between a burrito and a panino: a tortilla-like flatbread filled with meat and cheese and other toppings.   Piadina.  Mmmm!