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  1. Great shot! I love the contrast between the old gray of the building and the beautiful bright rose.

  2. Beautiful shot! I have been *trying* to take similar edgy shots around Korea at the moment thanks to a rainbow of colorful flowers blossoming everywhere I look…flowers make everything look 10 times better!:)

    1. I am SUCH a sucker for flowers! If I’m not careful, I could end up with a blog full of flower pics.

      I don’t think you need to worry about your photos, missy. Some of the things I’ve seen on your blog have made me stare in open-mouthed wonder. I had no idea that South Korea had such dream-like locations. Really, incredible shots! :)

  3. Gorgeous! I have a very similar shot, but on film from years back! Lovely to revisit that moment :)

    1. Thanks, Shannon! Let me know if you ever get around to scanning your pic. Would love to see it. :)

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