Swiss Mountains (of chocolate!)

Zermatt, Switzerland Today's post comes, not from the sunny dunes of Morocco, but from the scenic slopes of Switzerland!  (Say that 5 times fast!  ;)  I have not yet been to Switzerland, though I have a feeling that after reading this story by Meg, my mother may request that I organize an expedition!     …

A virtual day in Marrakech

Marrakech, Morocco Today's post is by Amanda of MarocMama.  She's been answering many of my questions about Morocco both in the comments of TourAbsurd and by email.  I am really grateful for all her help! This post will help you come along (in spirit) for my first visit to Marrakech.  In fact, she's even included …

Featured photo: New Zealand Kea

Mount Cook, New Zealand This photo was taken by my friend, Dave, who recently visited New Zealand.  He graciously gave me permission to publish it in support of the Blog4NZ event.  Beautiful bird!     Here's what Dave says about the photo: "Photo of a Kea (the world's only high altitude parrot) at the base …

Morocco Prep 2: The New ‘Do

Cork, Ireland I let my hair get longer than usual because I was using it for insulation.  Despite the weather difference, more women in Ireland have short hair than women in Italy.  I prefer short, low-maintenance hair, but it had simply been too cold for that.  With longer days and warmer weather making itself apparent, …

The Best Arancini in Italy

Catania, Italy I had not really intended on going anywhere for the weekend, but Dario had other plans. After a short discussion on possible destinations, we decided on Sicily.  It was time to find the best arancini in Italy, and Catania was the place to do it!   First view of My Mountain (Etna) from …

Morocco prep: camel sketch

23 Feb. 2011 Cork, Ireland Looking forward to my trip to Morocco in March.  Fellow travel blogger, Phil (from, has a thing for drawing camels — and for getting others to do likewise.  I find this amusing and have been thinking about it since I found out.  It's been a while since I sketched …

Featured photo: mud volcano!

Cartagena, Colombia I must admit that, as a child of the 70's and 80's, the very first thing I think of when I hear "Cartagena, Colombia," is Michael Douglas's voice speaking the city's name in Romancing The Stone.  (Then I think of the scene with "…my little mule!" and try not to think of the …