Featured photo: New Zealand Kea

Mount Cook, New Zealand

This photo was taken by my friend, Dave, who recently visited New Zealand.  He graciously gave me permission to publish it in support of the Blog4NZ event.  Beautiful bird!



Here's what Dave says about the photo:

"Photo of a Kea (the world's only high altitude parrot) at the base of Mount Cook in New Zealand. This photo is from the Caroline Hut, which is located at the Ball Ridge directly in front of the Caroline face of Mount Cook. The Glacier is the background is the Tasman Glacier, the longest of it's kind in all of New Zealand."


Blog4NZ logo

About the event:

Blog4NZ is a grass-roots effort on the part of the international travel blogging community to promote all that is good about travel in New Zealand, Canterbury and Christchurch. It is a worldwide blogging event that is running from the 21st to 23nd of March — the one-month anniversary of the quake.

Following the devastating earthquake in Christchurch on February 22 this year, New Zealand has been in shock. It’s going to take a lot of love and a lot of cash to help rebuild the city.

More info here: http://blog4nz.indietravelmedia.com/about/

Follow the event on Twitter by searching for #blog4nz.


I believe there may be a similar event in the works for Japan.  In the meantime, please get the word out about helping our Kiwi friends.  Thanks for your support!  – Katrina


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  1. Too cute, nice pic!

  2. I love kea’s! They are the funniest birds!

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