Oh, deer!

  Mule deer (I think) along the trail.  Oh, we were SO excited!  Too bad the deer wasn’t as excited to see us.  Absolutely refused to pose.  Drat!  We should have remembered the go-to call for would-be wildlife photographers: “MONKEY!”

Day o’ Napa

8 Aug. 2010 Napa, CA, USA   A quick day trip for winetasting and visiting friends!  We stayed with my friend, Charlotte, in Marin County and dragged her along when we went to visit Emily up in Napa.  Dario and I know Emily from the time she was living and Couchsurfing in Naples.  It was …

April in Ireland: Part 1.

Earlier I posted a handful of pictures from our first trip to Ireland.  I have several more pictures scattered over various online locations, but never really pulled it together for a formal post.  I quite miss posting on Photoblog.  I am finally starting to get used to Tumblr’s little quirks and limitations, so I want …

Photos: County Wicklow

10 April 2010 Random selection of photos from County Wicklow, Ireland.  Dario and I were taking our first trip to Ireland.  So beautiful! (Have to go here for now: http://tourabsurd.tumblr.com/post/879017158/random-selection-of-photos-from-county-wicklow WordPress is being a beast about uploading and editing photos!)