It’s the little things

Of all the senses, it's said that scent is the one most closely connected with memory.  Other than a lovely whisky liqueur and a few agriculturally based wafts (*cough*  cows  *cough*), I don't remember too many distinctive odors on my trip through the Highlands.  Photos, especially of the small details, are the things that most accurately evoke the feelings I had at the time.  But before I get into that, we need a soundtrack!

Music became a huge part of my experience in the Highlands.  Interspersed between stories, Eddie included a wide variety of music to complement our travels.  One band, in particular, stands out: Runrig

Formed in 1973 on Skye and named after a style of croft holdings ("running ridge"), their music is described as "Celtic rock".  The first time I heard them was the morning of our day on Skye, heading out to Uig Bay and the Faerie Glen.  The context had a profound influence on how I now perceive the music, so it may not have the same effect on you.  The scenery plus the melody – including the fact that the song mentioned autumn leaves falling while, in fact, they were! – really made it magical.


Can't see the video?  Watch it on YouTube:


My advice is not not pay too much attention to the visuals in the video.  The editing and transition tricks can be a bit distracting.  Just listen to the music.  Now, onto the pictures!


...and a tree, of course.

Tree, taking in the view.


It's a shame we didn't have a percussionist to play drum rolls for Eddie's introductions or punctuate his jokes with a bah-da-BING!  As we pulled up to the parking area, his voice rose with amused excitement.  "And here, ladies and gentlemen, is your First!  Highland!  Loch!"  I giggled a bit, but I did enjoy the momentous occasion.


It doesn't.

…and your first Highland fungus, too.


I think we were at Loch Lubnaig, but can't swear to it.  I was busy being impressed and stuff.  However, much as I enjoyed the view, it was the fungus on the tree that caught my attention.  Leetle steps for faeries, maybe? 


no drawbridge, I'm afraid

Wide view of the Faerie King's Castle.


I've already introduced you to the Faerie Glen and mentioned the "castle".  Although the above photo doesn't do it justice, it truly was a magical experience.  I was absolutely delighted to be there. 


No, not a guy named Glen

Rowan tree high above the glen.


Although the wide view was nice, it was the little details all over the place that really made it wonderful.  The thistle by the pond, the stone spirals ("…changed every night by the faeries", Eddie informed us with a wink), and even a pair of concerned sheep atop one of the knolls.  With the help of some of my taller co-travelers, I scrabbled up to the top of the castle to take in the view.  This time, it was a rowan tree with ripe, red berries that grabbed my attention.  Said to ward away evil spirits, there are also medicinal uses for the cooked berries.  In fact, it is said to help keep away gout, an evil spirit if ever there was one!


Eilean Donut: deep fried Celtic yumminess

Eilean Donan has been the setting of or inspiration for many films – including Brave!


Later, when visiting Eilean Donan, a human castle, I snapped this shot of the exterior.  We were not allowed to take photos of the interior, though the Castle Keeper himself emailed me some shots for later use (thank you, Mr. Win!).  We were, however, permitted to take photos out through the windows, which I promptly did!


Click to auto-resize.

...or make a puzzle out of it.

Not quite wee, but it is a smaller piece of the scenery.


Not all windows had scenic vistas, but this one sure did.  I seem to recall that Loch Duich is a sea loch, meaning it is not cut off from the ocean.  It is more of an inlet.  There are local legends of humans falling in love with "seal maidens" (selkies, I'd wager).

The tide was quite low when we visited.  I wonder how it looks when when the tide is full.  Or in spring!


Well, wee because it's far away.

That tiny dot?  Big ol' seal.


Speaking of seals and sea lochs, I almost forgot this little stop on Skye.  The tide was fairly high, which meant the seals were not languishing on the nearby shore waiting for their closeups.  We saw several distant seal shapes on the little island, but couldn't confirm they were, in fact, the pinnipeds we were seeking.  However, five evenly spaced leetle seal heads did poke up out of the water to stare at us!


...well, big seal, just far away.

If I was closer I'd boop yer nose!  So cute.


These are Atlantic Grey Seals, which I think is the same kind of seal who visits me in Cork sometimes.  Maybe this is the same one, come to vacation with me?  Aww, I'm flattered.


Can't see the video?  Watch it on YouTube:


Besides being a bit like a Sesame Street "Near and Far" segment hosted by Grover, I hope you've enjoyed looking at the macro next to the micro.  Or at least somewhat more wee macro.  And if you liked that first Runrig song, here's one more Eddie played for us.  You can go ahead and watch the video with this one.  I give you permission.  

…man, I have to get back there.  Too much magic.  Fills up the soul.


What wee things have you spotted on your travels?


As always, many thanks to Rabbie's Trailburners for this marvelous tour.

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  1. I would have loved to see more seals!

    1. Yeah, need to plan a longer visit to Skye sometime so I have more options to work with the tide. There are boat tours in that are specifically for visiting the seal areas. I'd like to do that, too.

      In the meantime, there's always the seal who comes up the river in Cork: This place is only a couple of minutes away from where I live. :)

  2. Nico says:

    I like the photos of the berries and the fungus. They’re quite striking.

    1. Thank you, Nico. I think I really need to move out to the woods. I love all the little bits of nature detail I saw there. :)

  3. I loved my trip to Scotland, this makes me want to go back, you took some really great photos, I’m into trees, too!

    1. Thank you, Sheri! I hope you manage to get back soon. And I hope I do, too! :)

  4. Beautiful set of pictures. You know, I believe I visited Eilean Donan – although it was foggy and I couldn’t see a thing beyond my nose.

    1. Aww, thanks, Austin. Heh, it must have been foggy if you’re not even sure it was the same castle. ;)

      1. Haha, true, true :)

  5. Dennis Coble says:

    I would love to visit and tour Scotland. I also have Switzerland on my bucket list!

    1. I have not yet been to Switzerland, though a fellow blogger wrote a guest post for me about the abundance of cheap, yet amazing chocolate. (You can read it here: Chocolate plus scenery? Sign me up!

  6. Beautiful pictures! Makes me realize what I’ve been missing by not visiting yet :)

    1. I’m very glad I got to see the rowan trees with berries on them. I’m thinking that I’d really like to go back and see things in spring or summer. I hope you make it soon! I suspect the Highlands are beautiful in any season. :)

  7. Reminds me of my native Ireland although Scotland is rather special.
    Not so sure about off key bagpipe music – we all have our limits!

    1. Lol, well I don’t think the aim is to be off-key. I actually LOVE bagpipe music – when it’s played well. ;)

  8. There are seals in Scotland? I thought it only had monsters. Kidding aside, that’s one thing I would love to see when I get to visit Scotland. The seals, I mean.

    1. Really? Didn’t know you were a seal fan. Now that I’ve seen them, I only have monsters to check off my list. What with wanting to camp in the Faerie Glen and hoping to catch a glimpse of Nessie, my next trip is shaping up to be a fairly static visit. Hmm… I’ll have to work “haggis hunting” in there somehow. ;)

  9. There is always music and great scenery whereever you go in Scotland

    1. I agree. Occasionally you find some… questionable music, like an off-key piper, but then it’s just funny. ;)

      Off-key bagpipes in the Highlands:

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